HalalFocus went online in 2007. Its Managing Editor is Salama Evans, a Halal specialist and advisor who has had a dedicated field of focus on the Global Halal market after recognising and anticipating the potential rapid rise in interest and demand for Halal products and services.

The goal is to keep people up to date with its growth globally to help move it forward to become mainstream, while it is still struggling to achieve its full potential. HalalFocus is a shared online filing cabinet of news, opinion, research papers, statistics, reports…anything we find useful…and now also including ethical issues that are relevant to the changing world today. SDGs must be recognised and worked towards urgently, especially in the African countries and their work in agriculture.

It was created as a useful contribution to following the growing Halal market movements around the world. There are now well over 7,000 articles in 70 categories, and it is updated regularly.